In Other Noose…

Compilations and Complications

Speed is Relative

I made my best time to the library today on a bike: 15 minutes. Google Maps estimates that it would take 13 minutes in a car. Nice.

I didn’t pick anything up because my reserve wasn’t in yet and I didn’t want to look for anything else.

Oh, and I almost got hit by a stupid high school student. Awesome.

In other news:

  • Ok, so besides the United States digging itself into the ground in every possible way, it’s been a slow week for stuff that matters. But I managed to dig up a few things. First, it’s a congratulations to the SpaceX team of 550 people who successfully launched a rocket into orbit. 4 tries? It took us a whole lot more than that the first time.
  • Second, you’re going to want to look around at Art Lebedev’s other stuff, but these new fridge magnets are a good place to start.
  • And lastly, we apparently have a big prime number running around here.

I can not believe my eyes

September 29, 2008 Posted by | Daily Meanderings | | Leave a comment